What we do

Scientific Meetings and informal dinners

We provide one of the few remaining forums for doctors and lawyers, independently of their respective professional associations, to discuss and debate matters of mutual interest.

The principal activity of the Society is the holding of four Scientific Meetings each year. These meetings generally involve the presentation of papers on a particular topic by legal and medical speakers. The topics, which are always current and relevant, range across the wide spectrum of matters of common interest, and are chosen to stimulate debate and discussion. Recent topics include expert witness immunity, telehealth, the future of medical indemnity, and immunisation.

The meetings are followed by a dinner, at which members have an opportunity to mingle and discuss issues.

The Society is apolitical. We do not produce position statements or determine policy.

Publication of papers

The proceedings of each Scientific Meeting are published on the website in downloadable form. Each paper contains internet links to the cases, laws, journal articles and books mentioned by the speaker.

Annual General Meeting and formal dinner

Following its Annual General Meeting, at which the next year’s Committee year is elected, the Society holds a formal dinner. Following toasts to the legal and medical professions, a distinguished guest of honour addresses the gathering.


Scientific Meetings, Dinners and events.


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