Immunisation: Medical, Social and Legal Consequences

Dwyer D

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About Dwyer D

Professor Dominic Dwyer is a medical virologist and infectious diseases physician at the Institute of Clinical Pathology and Medical Research, Westmead Hospital. He trained at St Vincent’s and Westmead Hospitals and undertook post-graduate research at the Institut Pasteur in Paris. He has a clinical and research interest in viral diseases of public health importance, such as HIV-AIDS, influenza and arboviruses, antiviral drugs and drug resistance. He is a member of various Commonwealth and State committees related to infectious diseases. Professor Dwyer is also a member of the national and NSW Influenza Pandemic Planning Committees. He assisted the World Health Organisation in Beijing during the SARS outbreak in 2003.


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About Jordan

David Jordan is a Sydney barrister who graduated from Sydney University with degrees in both Science and Law. He was admitted as a solicitor in 1990. He became a barrister in 1992. He originally practised in a broad range of areas, including criminal law, personal injury and medical negligence. He has since rationalised his practice, resolving that largely into one of crime. Mr Jordan prosecutes in the areas of Commonwealth criminal law and customs, and in other State-based prosecutions such as environmental, fisheries and police matters. He also appears in coronial inquests and inquiries, usually for the law enforcement agencies. His personal commitment to strengthening the ties between Medicine and the Law continues, particularly as his wife is a consultant at St Vincent’s Hospital in Darlinghurst.


Scientific Meetings, Dinners and events.


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